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Fire protection is environmental protection

Time and again, devastating fires not only destroy property, but also cause considerable damage to nature and the environment. The damage is caused on the one hand by the fire itself, and on the other hand by released smoke gases, fire residues and, in this context, smoke and soot particles as well as other potentially toxic substances and compounds. In addition, there is consequential damage caused by the use of not non-destructive extinguishing agents for fire extinguishing. Contaminated extinguishing water also frequently leads to environmental pollution.

In the course of sustainability considerations, environmental protection is becoming increasingly important for companies. Sustainability aspects must therefore be taken into account from the outset when developing individual fire protection solutions. Our holistic fire protection solutions thus become a formula for success, as they not only aim to protect people and property, but also sustainably protect the environment and the climate.

(suit) Torsten Wagner: Managing Director & Shareholder WAGNER Group GmbH
“Our commitment to people: no loss caused by fire – guaranteed. Our vision guides us in our day-to-day work and in our constant striving for perfection. In addition, our innovative, holistic and sustainable solutions make an active contribution to climate and environmental protection.”

Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Wagner

Managing Director and Owner, WAGNER Group GmbH

Acting responsibly

Our award-winning solutions focus on sustainability and low energy consumption

We have a long tradition of climate and environmental protection. Since the company was founded in 1976, we have always strived to develop energy-saving and therefore environmentally friendly products and systems and to continually reduce energy consumption. Resource efficiency is a driving factor in our product development cycles and in the context of new developments.

Back in the 1990s, we replaced chemical extinguishing gases for fire extinguishing with natural gases generated from the ambient air. In contrast to chemical gases, they do not form chemical compounds with other substances at high temperatures and therefore extinguish completely residue-free. In 1997, we did pioneering work in Germany by being the first company to introduce nitrogen as an extinguishing gas in a fire extinguishing system. No other company in Germany had ever used nitrogen in this way before. We have also been using this natural inert gas for fire prevention since 1998. The use of nitrogen in oxygen reduction systems is VdS-certified.

The WAGNER OxyReduct® fire prevention system, recognizable by the green label, installed at a customer site.

Our aim in product development is to successively reduce the energy requirements of our systems. In recent years, for example, we have been able to achieve significant savings in terms of energy consumption when generating one cubic meter of nitrogen to prevent fires. This is made possible by the Vacuum Pressure Swing Adsorption technology (VPSA) that we have further developed. This enables the nitrogen required for oxygen reduction to be generated even more efficiently from the ambient air on site. Our vision is to bring the first completely CO2-neutral fire prevention systems onto the market.

Conserving resources thanks to sophisticated system solutions

All our systems are scalable and grow with your increasing security requirements. There is no need for unnecessary retrofitting. We also ensure the long service life of our systems thanks to comprehensive maintenance and servicing concepts. In this way, we also make a valuable contribution to environmental protection and help our customers to achieve their climate goals.


The advantages of our systems

An icon in the shape of a cross made of arrows


Scalability enables use under changing conditions.

A pair of pincers with a heart symbol as an icon

Easy to maintain

Maintenance-friendly, durable systems reduce the use of resources.

A tree leaf icon


Sustainability of extinguishing agents and materials.

A magnifying glass as an icon

Residue-free and non-destructive

Residue-free and non-destructive extinguishing.

Every fire has a negative impact on the environment. That is why we aim to minimize the risk of fire as far as possible. In 1998, we developed the fire prevention technology known today as OxyReduct®, which works on the principle of oxygen reduction. To this end, we reduce the oxygen concentration to a defined protection level by using the inert gas nitrogen in the protected areas. In an oxygen-reduced atmosphere, the development of a fire is largely prevented or a full fire can no longer develop.

The risk of a fire with its devastating consequences for people and environment, including unwanted side effects such as damage caused by smoke and soot particles, released pollutants or contamination from extinguishing water, is reduced to a minimum. For us, this sustainable fire protection principle is called “active fire prevention” and is our contribution to the sustainable protection of people, property and environment.

more about OxyReduct®

The earliest possible fire detection also makes a valuable contribution to detecting fires at a very early stage and preventing further fire development and spread. Here we rely on the use of optical aspirating smoke detectors with HPLS technology (High-Power Light Source). Our aspirating smoke detectors can be optimally adapted to the individual requirements of the protected area at any time. They detect even the smallest smoke particles and thus a fire in the incipient phase much earlier and without false alarms compared to point-type detectors.

Compared to other systems, our TITANUS® aspirating smoke detection systems are extremely energy-efficient and have the lowest power consumption. They can be designed modularly for every application, so that unnecessary oversizing is avoided. Regular maintenance ensures a long service life for the products and systems. This saves resources and protects nature and environment.

more about TITANUS®

Fire extinguishing based on gas extinguishing technology is fire extinguishing without side effects! This is because suitable extinguishing gases can quickly and reliably stop incipient fires without leaving any damage or residue on buildings, electrical systems and goods. For more than 20 years, we have relied primarily on the use of natural gases for fire extinguishing. These so-called inert gases include argon, nitrogen and IG-541, a mixed gas made from natural inert gases. In contrast to chemical gases, these gases do not form chemical compounds with other substances at high temperatures and therefore extinguish completely residue-free. In addition, as a component of the ambient air, they are in principle infinitely available, which ensures rapid refilling and therefore sustainable use of the gas extinguishing containers.

more about FirExting®