Act fast when it counts: In the event of a fire, seconds count and determine the severity of the resulting fire damage. The sooner a fire source is detected and reported, the less damage there will be.
Aspirating Smoke Detectors detect fires while they are still in the pyrolysis phase. This allows the causes of fires to be tackled quickly. Fire and fire damage are minimized and the best possible protection of people and against business interruptions is ensured. We at WAGNER offer a better solution for reliable and effective early fire detection in a wide variety of environments than conventional optical smoke detectors. In the event of a fire, an immediate alarm is necessary to save lives and protect property. A fire alarm system is the foundation for this.
Aspirating smoke detectors consist of a base unit with a detector module and a connected pipe system. This system is typically installed under the ceiling of the monitored area and has a defined opening at each point where a point-type smoke detector would normally be installed. A fan in the base unit generates the negative pressure necessary to continuously draw air samples from the monitored area. These are fed to a sensitive optical detector that examines the air sample for the smallest smoke particles. The smoke detector benefits from the collection effect: Smoke gases are very strongly distributed in the room in the early stages of fire development. Each individual air sampling opening must meet at least the same fire detection requirements as a conventional point-type smoke detector - and the smoke density increases with each additional air sampling opening.
The integrated air flow sensors constantly check the pipe system for possible blockages and breakages. Compared to point detectors, air sampling smoke detectors detect a fire much earlier and therefore enable fire alarms to be triggered in good time so that countermeasures can be initiated quickly. The simple maintenance of the system at a central location is another advantage of this technology.
High sensitivity for early fire detection and reporting - protection against major damage.
Highly effective fire pattern detection minimizes false alarms even when the system is highly sensitive.
The right smoke detector for virtually any environment.
High modularity enables optimum configuration for individual requirements as well as simple retrofits.
Discreet early fire detection even in special architecture, no target for vandalism.
Reliable project planning software and user-friendly maintenance.
Reliable fire detection in every incident.
Can be integrated into a centralized building management system (BMS).
Whether it is a new project or a renovation, we can advise you on how to integrate fire detection at the earliest possible stage.