Three OxyReduct VPSA systems installed in a straight line

OxyReduct­ V-Line®

Energy-efficient nitrogen generation with VPSA technology

The VPSA method used in the OxyReduct­ V-Line® is an advancement of the familiar PSA technology for active fire prevention. The V-Line was specifically designed for the needs of large rooms, ensuring fast and energy-efficient delivery of the required nitrogen volumes. This is why the OxyReduct­ V-Line® has now become a standard solution for protecting high bay and deep-freeze warehouses.


VPSA technology for nitrogen generation

The high-performance OxyReduct­ V-Line® uses vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA) to ensure oxygen reduction in large protected areas, providing active fire prevention. This physical method uses activated carbon as an adsorbent to separate gas compounds and isolates nitrogen and oxygen from the ambient air.

Functional principle of the OxyReduct V-Line

The air is led through the activated carbon filter under pressure and the extracted nitrogen is introduced into the protected area. Once the carbon molecular sieve (CMS) is saturated with oxygen, the flow is interrupted. The oxygen is removed from the filter via a vacuum and is then released into the environment. While this desorption process is going on, the adsorption process takes place in a second container. Alternating between two containers ensures a continuous nitrogen flow, even with high demands.

The low process pressure makes the VPSA method especially energy-efficient. The method can significantly reduce operating and energy costs compared to conventional oxygen reduction systems. Alternating between two containers ensures a continuous nitrogen flow, even with high demands.


The advantages of the OxyReduct­ V-Line® with VPSA technology at a glance

Umbrella as an icon


Oxygen reduction minimizes the risk of a fire

A shield symbol with a tick


Reliable nitrogen generation and supply

An icon in the shape of a cross made of arrows


Scalable for different performance classes; multiple systems can optionally be connected for especially high nitrogen requirements

Icon universal globe

Wide range of applications

The continuous stream of nitrogen makes the system suitable for protected areas with a high rate of air exchange

Battery with a leaf as an icon

Energy efficiency

Suitable for continuous operation, the OxyReduct­ V-Line® with VPSA technology is especially energy-efficient and eco-friendly

Coins as an icon


Suitable for continuous operation, the system is cost-optimized thanks to the VPSA method

A pair of pincers with a heart symbol as an icon


Easy access to all components

Curved paper as an icon


OxyReduct­ V-Line® is part of the VdS-approved OxyReduct®­ system

Sandeep Hajra: Managing Director, WAGNER India Ltd.

You’d like more information on this system?

Then get in touch.

Sandeep Hajra

Managing Director, WAGNER Fire Safety DMCC

+971 566768094