From warehouses to data centers to archives, many businesses depend on reliable fire protection to maintain supply and operations, prevent downtime, and preserve irreplaceable assets. Oxygen reduction systems provide optimal protection for such environments. These preventive fire protection systems act before a fire starts, ensuring maximum safety. Consequential damage caused by fighting fires with water-based extinguishing agents is avoided.
For a fire to start, three components must be present: oxygen, heat, and fuel. If one of these components is removed, a fire has no chance of developing. By reducing the oxygen level in the area to be protected, the fire is literally "cut off" from the air it needs to breathe.
Active fire prevention systems are based on the principle of oxygen reduction. These systems generate nitrogen from the ambient air and introduce it directly into the protected area. This reduces the oxygen concentration to below the specific ignition limit of the materials present. In the resulting protective atmosphere, the development of a fire is ruled out under defined conditions.
Preventive fire protection avoids business interruptions and preserves goods and assets
No space loss due to necessary distances between extinguishing agent pipes in the protected area, no water reservoir
The right system for every application; easy to adapt for subsequent changes to the protected area
Active fire prevention protects against consequential fire damage; no (contaminated) fire residues due to extinguishing agent input
Nitrogen directly from ambient air, no expense for extinguishing water pipelines or water collection systems, no smoke/heat extraction systems
Recognized by VdS; VB-Cert certified; project planning and design specifications in accordance with EN, ISO and FM standards
Active fire prevention is particularly suitable for areas in which, in addition to basic personal protection, the ability to deliver goods, the protection of valuable assets and the availability of electronic systems have the highest priority. Typical areas of application are automated warehouses, data centers or archives.
„Every fire is a threat to people, processes and the environment. That's why our goal is to minimize the risk of fire as much as possible. Fire protection is environmental protection and fire prevention is our contribution to greater sustainability.“
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