Audience listens to the presentation by two women


Successfully leading and motivating

Leadership in the sense of visionary and motivating leadership is more than just a concept for us - it is a demand on our leaders. In times of constant change and adaptation, our philosophy is based on the belief that inspiring leadership forms the bridge between our successful past and our innovative future. That is why we rely on a culture that values experience, promotes individuality and sees continuous learning as a trendsetting factor for success.


Leadership at WAGNER­

Numerous measures and formats support our managers in successfully leading the company and us as #teamWAGNER­ into the future and mastering the challenges of the modern working world.

An employee holds documents about the Step Up Professional programme.

Step Up Professional

Step Up Professional is our internal professional development program for all employees, including managers, in which we focus on people and not just services. Essentially, it is about promoting individual strengths. The content is based on our corporate values and management principles.

Digital Leadership

One area of action in our digital strategy is “Digital Leadership”, which deals with leadership in the digital age. Digital leadership skills are part of our agreed leadership principles and therefore part of our leadership development program. “Digital leadership” – leadership in the digital, changing world – is of great strategic importance for us and for the transformation process at WAGNER­.

An employee finds out about ‘Digital Leadership’, a WAGNER programme.
A female leader explains her charts on a pinboard

Female Leadership

Diversity in the workplace is part of our everyday practice – including in management. That is why we place great value on supporting women in their professional careers and filling management positions with women who are qualified and suitable. We already have a high proportion of female managers compared to other companies in our industry.

International management conference

We are represented by our own subsidiaries in numerous countries around the world. In order to promote intercultural cooperation and exchange at management level, our international management conference takes place at the beginning of each financial year. In addition to strategic topics, the main focus is on the further development of our corporate culture, learning with and from each other and our shared understanding of the international #teamWAGNER­.

The audience listens carefully to the speakers
(suit) Steffen Springer: Managing Director WAGNER Group GmbH
“Successful leadership means inspiring, enthusing and motivating people. With this demand on our managers, we are leading the company successfully into the future.”

Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Springer

Managing Director, WAGNER­ Group GmbH