The latest Allianz Risk Barometer 2025 has confirmed: Business interruptions are among the most critical corporate risks. In intralogistics, this is a devasting scenario.
If a fire breaks out in a high-bay warehouse, targeted and rapid firefighting is often not possible. A fire can spread quickly and contaminate or even completely destroy the stored goods within a very short time. Consequential damages range from temporary supply bottlenecks and delivery interruptions to the complete loss of your operational capability. The resulting damage to your company's image would be devastating. It is therefore important to avoid a fire at all costs.
At WAGNER, we offer you individual fire protection solutions for your specific requirements for active fire prevention through oxygen reduction in combination with early fire detection.
Due to the narrow aisles and the enormous height of the shelves, a fire in a high-bay warehouse spreads rapidly and causes considerable damage. There are many causes of fire in high-bay warehouses.
The so-called chimney effect promotes the rapid spread of fire in the narrow and high spaces between the racks. Due to the difficult visibility and accessibility of the high-bay warehouse, fires cannot usually be fought in a targeted manner. The high degree of automation with numerous electrical components, the cardboard or plastic packaging materials and the type of stored goods (highly flammable or self-igniting) are further sources of danger.
What are your protection goals?
With our innovative fire protection systems for automated high-bay warehouses, we offer a suitable alternative to sprinkler systems. These water-based extinguishing systems only react when the fire has already developed and spread. In addition, the extinguishing water causes considerable material and often environmental damage. Fire-related business interruptions are therefore inevitable.
Our active fire prevention system OxyReduct®, on the other hand, works according to the functional principle of oxygen reduction in the environments to be protected. Under defined conditions, this eliminates the risk of a fire starting.
By introducing nitrogen into the area of the high-bay warehouse to be protected, the oxygen contained in the air is displaced. The oxygen content is reduced to such an extent that the specific ignition threshold of the most critical material in the warehouse is reached. Below this ignition threshold, it is no longer possible for a fire to start.
Even in oxygen-reduced atmospheres, smoldering and cable fires in automated environments cannot be completely ruled out. Detecting fires as early as possible offers a decisive time advantage. Our TITANUS® aspirating smoke detectors offer early and false alarm-proof detection even in the development phase (pyrolysis). In the event of a fire, they react up to 2,000 times more sensitively than conventional point-type detectors. The aspirating smoke detectors in our TITANUS® early fire detection system adapt perfectly to your individual needs thanks to their high degree of modularity. They are used for room and equipment protection and ensure early fire detection directly at the potential source of smoldering fires, even along storage racks and in places that are difficult to access, e.g. at great heights.
Our fire protection solutions have proven themselves worldwide in automated high-bay warehouses of well-known operators.
Reliable protection of your goods and valuables from damage caused by fire, extinguishing agents or smoke contamination.
Protection of your supply chain by ensuring uninterrupted supply capability.
Avoidance of fire-related consequential and image damage.
Our fire protection systems can be adapted at any time and “grow” with the storage system.
Active fire prevention rules out fire-related environmental damage from the outset.
We will be happy to advise you individually.