Worker observing a worker in a deep-freeze storage

Deep-freeze warehouses

Operability ensured: fire protection in the deep-freeze warehouse

Statistically, a fire breaks out every two minutes in Germany, often causing significant damage. In today's global competition, no logistics company can afford to lose goods and suffer downtime. Warehouse and logistics operators depend on absolutely reliable fire protection to protect people and goods, and to maintain operational processes and the ability to deliver.

Intelligent and reliable fire protection systems that can withstand the extreme conditions inside deep-freeze storage facilities ensure preservation of the supply chain, and protect cold and deep-freeze warehouses against fire-related downtime. Conventional systems quickly reach their limits in such situations, such as sprinklers, whose extinguishing water must be mixed with antifreeze. As a result, goods are lost not only to fire, smoke and soot, but also to extinguishing water contamination. This creates long-term obstacles to delivery capability, as operations are hindered by often lengthy and complicated cleaning work. At WAGNER­, we offer specific solutions that protect your warehouse from fire-related operational interruptions.


Dry atmosphere increases the spread of fire

A fire can spread quickly in a warehouse and cause enormous damage: from minor disruptions to logistics processes and the supply chain to complete operational failure and, in the worst case, the destruction of goods, values and fixed assets. The causes of a fire are diverse.

On the one hand, the so-called chimney effect promotes the rapid spread of fire in the narrow and high spaces between the racks. Due to the difficult visibility and accessibility of the warehouse, fires cannot usually be fought in a targeted manner. The high degree of automation with numerous electrical components (cooling systems, motors, etc.), the cardboard or plastic packaging materials and the type of stored goods (highly flammable or self-igniting) are further sources of danger. In addition, there is a high fire load in refrigerated and deep-freeze warehouses due to the very dry atmosphere.

People drive fully loaded forklift trucks into a deep-freeze warehouse


Focus on supply capability

What are your protection goals?

  • Ensuring operational readiness in terms of ability to deliver and availability of goods
  • Protection of goods and values from damage caused by fire, smoke contamination or extinguishing agents
  • Protection of fixed assets
  • Avoidance of consequential damage, damage to image and financial losses
  • Personal and environmental protection


Active fire prevention instead of damage regulation

Conventional systems such as sprinkler systems quickly reach their limits in these protected areas. As antifreeze has to be added to the extinguishing water, the goods are not only the victims of fire, smoke and soot in the event of a fire, but are also contaminated by the extinguishing water. The operational continuity is jeopardized due to costly cleaning work that needs to be completed prior to the resumption of operations. The great heights of the logistics centers of up to 40 meters mean that some extinguishing systems react slowly – valuable time is lost before the extinguishing water reaches the source of the fire.

That is why we at WAGNER­ rely on active and preventive fire protection that eliminates the risk of fire under defined conditions. Our active fire prevention system OxyReduct®­ is used, which works on the principle of oxygen reduction.

Due to the high degree of automation in these storage environments, small smoldering and cable fires can still occur even in oxygen-reduced protected areas. Our aspirating smoke detectors of our TITANUS®­ product family offer a decisive time advantage. They continuously take air samples from the ambient air and detect even the smallest smoke particles at a very early stage of fire development (pyrolysis) without causing false alarms. The detectors are designed for use in environments down to -40°C and can be perfectly adapted to your organization's requirements thanks to their modularity. 

Whether ice cream, frozen vegetables, fruit, fish or meat – with this fire protection solution, your goods are comprehensively protected against the risk of fire and consequential damage caused by contamination.


Holistic fire protection in a deep-freeze warehouse

3D view of a deep-freeze warehouse with installed WAGNER systems


Holistic protection

Our fire protection solutions withstand the extreme conditions in deep-freeze warehouses and protect refrigerated and deep-freeze warehouses from fire-related business interruptions.

An icon with a shopping trolley with a heart on it

Goods and values

Reliable protection of your goods and values from damage caused by fire, extinguishing agents or smoke contamination.

An icon of a power button

Operational readiness

Protection of your supply chain by ensuring uninterrupted ability to deliver.

An icon of a loudspeaker


Avoidance of fire-related consequential and image damage.

An icon in the shape of a cross made of arrows


Our fire protection systems can be adapted at any time and “grow” with the storage system.

A tree leaf icon


Active fire prevention rules out fire-related environmental damage from the outset.

Dirk Band: Director Sales Division

Protect your warehouse from the devastating consequences of a fire!

Contact me for more information on our fire solutions.

Dirk Band

Director Sales Division
