WAGNER technician standing between the rails, doing maintenance on fire protection system of a train

FirExting®­ Aerosol

Fire extinguishing in running trains

Aerosol extinguishing method for open technical areas in railway vehicles

WAGNER­ has developed an aerosol fire protection solution which extinguishes fires in open technical rooms that are heavily ventilated, e.g. due to air flow, even at high speeds. This is a milestone for safety in rail transport. The solution for effective fire extinguishing in these areas without slowing down or stopping is the first of its kind worldwide.

Aerosol extinguishing systems are mainly used in technical areas of trains.

One major component of integrated fire protection solutions for rail vehicles is the extinguishing of fires in technical areas, such as transformers, inverters or diesel engines. Generally, these areas are equipped with multiple openings for ventilation. The air flows occurring in these technical areas present a major challenge to effective fire fighting. To reliably extinguish a fire, trains used to have to reduce their speeds or stop entirely. Our studies show that this is no longer necessary with the aerosol extinguishing method.


The advantages of this method

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Reliable extinguishing of fires in technical containers and power packs equipped with ventilation systems, even while the train is in motion

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Application in areas where gas extinguishing systems with cylinders are too complex to accommodate or where openings in the protected areas are too large for extinguishing gas

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Compared with gas extinguishing systems with cylinders, the extinguishing system requires less room and can therefore also be used in smaller spaces

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This solution for the extinguishing of open, heavily ventilated technical areas, including while the train is in motion at high speeds, is the first of its kind worldwide


How FirExting®­ Aerosol works

The aerosol extinguishing system is installed in the vehicle as a space-saving solution. It contains a defined amount of extinguishing agent in a cartridge. Electrical triggering after a fire alarm or self-triggering at a temperature of 300°C causes the system to initiate the extinguishing process. The controlled burning of the extinguishing agent in the generator creates aerosols that flow out into the protected area. The extinguishing effect is based on the interaction of the flames with the aerosol. The chemical extinguishing effect can interrupt the fire chain reaction and the combustion process, while the physical extinguishing effect cools the source of the fire. In this way, fires can be reliably and safely extinguished in a limited area.

Aerosol firefighting systems can be installed directly on site to save space.
The extinguishing effect of aerosol has been tested in many trials under different conditions of a train.

Verified effect

As part of our research and development for the new method, in collaboration with TÜV Süd Rail and in compliance with railway guideline ARGE part 2 “Fire fighting in railway vehicles,” we performed an extensive series of tests. These tests covered fire scenarios in different ventilation situations. With the help of this series of tests, we have managed to successfully verify that simulated fires kindled by air flow and air speeds of 100 km/h acting on the sides of the train can be extinguished completely with aerosol extinguishing agents.

(suit and tie) Werner Wagner: Managing Director & Shareholder WAGNER Group GmbH
“We’d like to congratulate the colleagues on this innovative solution. It perfectly represents WAGNER: We are pioneers and develop integrated, groundbreaking fire prevention solutions that are used across the globe.”

Dipl.-Ing. Werner Wagner

Managing Director & Owner, WAGNER Group GmbH

Markus Müller: Managing Director of WAGNER Rail GmbH

Would you like to learn more about this extinguishing method?

We’d be happy to advise you.

Dr. Markus Müller

Managing Director, WAGNER­ Rail GmbH

+41.79.7037 620