For hotels and other accommodation establishments, a pleasant stay and the well-being of their guests are paramount. And therefore also their safety. Protecting people – whether on a business trip or on vacation – is a top priority.
Safety is often compromised by the fact that in accommodation establishments – as in other public buildings – there are many strangers and therefore people unfamiliar with the area in a confined space. In the event of a fire, rapid evacuation and compliance with rescue and escape routes are of the utmost importance. The earlier a fire is detected, the faster life-saving measures can be initiated and the less damage is caused. With our TITANUS® early fire detection system, we at WAGNER offer the decisive time advantage that is essential for saving lives in certain circumstances.
The most common sources of fire in hotels and other accommodation establishments are found in the kitchen and in meeting rooms, sports and wellness facilities, such as saunas. Defects or faults in electrical equipment often trigger a fire. However, accidental human error and even deliberate arson or fire work during renovations are also possible.
The earlier a fire is detected and reported, the faster life-saving measures can be initiated. Our TITANUS® early fire detection system offers reliable protection. The highly sensitive TITANUS® aspirating smoke detectors are up to 2000 times more sensitive than conventional smoke detectors and, thanks to our fire pattern recognition, they are immune to false alarms.
TITANUS® can be integrated almost invisibly and inaudibly into the building architecture without impairing the aesthetics and is usually only recognizable to the specialist. Our patented ROOM·IDENT process enables the exact localization of the seat of fire, especially in hospitals and care facilities where rooms are located next to each other. A smoke detector equipped with ROOM·IDENT enables cost-effective individual room monitoring of up to five rooms.
Valuable time advantage thanks to reliable and early fire detection.
Our fire protection meets the highest architectural requirements and can be integrated virtually invisibly and inaudibly into the building architecture.
Our patented ROOM·IDENT process precisely localizes the exact seat of fire in adjacent rooms.
Our fire protection systems can be adapted to new requirements at any time.
Fire protection is environmental protection. We detect fires in good time and prevent negative consequences for people and the environment.
Prevention of fire-related consequential damage and damage to image.
We look forward to providing you with comprehensive and individual advice.