Several WAGNER employees stand in front of a presentation wall and have the fire protection systems for railway vehicles explained to them

Fire alarm systems for rail transport

Controls for modern fire protection in rail transport

Our fire alarm systems play a major role in the safety of rail transport. All fire detectors and other components are connected to the fire alarm control panel (FACP) via a ring circuit. Even in the event of a single wire break or short-circuit, the bus system ensures that all devices remain connected to the central control panel  at all times. With relays and an optionally integrated Ethernet connection, the central control unit can also be connected to various bus interfaces. A fire alarm control panel records all messages and controls relevant to fire protection. If the FACP reports an alarm, measures can be initiated such as triggering extinguishing, selective deactivation of the air conditioning system or closing fire doors.


From the passenger area to the engine room

Applications for the components of our fire alarm systems include:

  • Passenger and personnel areas
  • Driver’s cabins
  • Air conditioning units
  • Electric cabinets
  • Current converters
  • Underfloor areas
  • Machine rooms and
  • Air intake, exhaust and circulation systems

Our modular fire alarm systems can be flexibly configured for every application thanks to a sophisticated selection of central control units, control panels, modules, couplers and detectors. Information on incidents throughout the train can be forwarded quickly. Predefined emergency plans ensure the fastest possible, optimized responses in the event of an incident.

Couple looking out of the window of a moving train


Individual fire alarm solutions thanks to numerous interfaces

A graphic shows the customised fire alarm solutions from WAGNER Rail with their numerous interfaces.
  • Fire alarm control panel
  • Aspirating smoke detectors
  • Linear heat detectors
  • Optical smoke detectors
  • Temperature sensors
  • Multi-criteria detectors
  • Couplers (I/O modules) for forwarding signals and activating controllers
  • Alarm indicator


WAGNER Rail designs systems with these and other components in accordance with national and international requirements, but also considering the individual operating conditions and specifications of the operator. This provides vehicles with fire protection solutions that are future-proof, reliable and cost-effective and take the operator's individual operating conditions into account in the best possible way.


The features of our fire alarm systems to benefit your application

A detached piece of chain as an icon


Messages from different devices accepted and processed.

Topology star as an icon


Alarm messages forwarded to higher-level systems for fast responses.

Fast clock as an icon

Fast alarms

The alarm is activated to initiate further measures as soon as a fire is detected.

An icon of a power button

Operational safety

High operational reliability thanks to automatic analysis and diagnostic logics for self-monitoring of the individual components.

A pair of pincers with a heart symbol as an icon


Easy to maintain; contamination detection enables targeted maintenance.

A shield symbol with a tick


False alarm-proof, reliable detection and operational readiness – even in the event of a wire break or short-circuit – thanks to sophisticated layout.

server with a cogwheel as an icon


Robust, vibration-proof system design ensures continuous availability.

A cogwheel with a play symbol as an icon

Versatile in application

Operational in changing environments, fluctuating temperature and humidity.

Curved paper as an icon


Meets national and international requirements.


The optimum fire alarm system for every application

Rail 138 Fire detection and alarm system

For the distribution of detailed information

With a well thought-out selection of enclosures, modules, couplers and detectors, the modular WAGNER Rail 138 fire alarm system flexibly adapts to any application. The fire alarm control system (FAS) has sufficient interfaces for integrating a wide variety of participants.

The RAIL 138 fire detection system from WAGNER Rail
The RAIL 148 fire detection system from WAGNER Rail

Rail 148 Fire detection and alarm system

Extended functionalities for advanced applications

Rail 148, a further development of the proven WAGNER Rail 138 fire alarm control panel, is technically up to date and optimally equipped for future generations of detectors and couplers. It has additional maintenance and diagnostic options such as an extended data memory with status reports.

Rail 256 Fire detection and alarm system

The right solution for increased security requirements

Together with its cooperation partner Diehl, WAGNER has developed a fire protection system for heightened safety requirements. System components from Diehl can be optimally combined with those from WAGNER Rail via specially developed I/O modules. This can be used to create system solutions with SIL 1 or SIL 2 certification. The smoke detectors in such a system are equipped with relay contacts, which allows devices such as linear heat detectors or alarm elements to be connected directly to them.

The RAIL 256 fire detection system from WAGNER Rail
Markus Müller: Managing Director of WAGNER Rail GmbH

You’d like to make rail vehicles even safer with fire alarm control panels?

Get in touch. We will be happy to advise you.

Dr. Markus Müller

Managing Director, WAGNER­ Rail GmbH

+41.79.7037 620